You Need Alone Time
Attention wives and mothers! Alone time should not be overlooked. It’s as equally important as the quality time you spend together with your spouse and children. Before you and your spouse became a couple, you were both individuals. I’m going to guess you had interest, hobbies and passions you wanted to pursue. Joining together to form a couple or even becoming a mom shouldn’t mean losing your individuality or giving up your dreams. After all, it’s you as an individual your spouse fell in love with and it’s you that your kids will look up to.
Make sure you’re prioritizing time on a regular to check in with yourself, to focus solely on catering to your needs. It’s not selfish, it’s part of self-love, care and so very important! This will help you stay connected to your personal desires, passions and goals. A strong sense of self awareness adds great value to you individually and to your relationships. Now let me be clear, this isn’t just about being apart from your spouse and kids. It’s about investing in quality time with yourself.
Your alone time should be a non-negotiable, but communication is key! Sharing the importance and impact with your loved ones will ensure everyone is clear that this isn’t just to get away from them, but rather to show up better for them as well as yourself. It will look different at different times. It may be maintaining or even creating interest that are YOURS! Sometimes it may be opting for a silent car ride so you can reflect and access how you’re feeling and where you are with your goals and in life. Maybe it’s a massage as part of your self-care practice. It may be going to another room in the house to read your book without distraction or watching a movie you love, but know your spouse wouldn’t particularly care for or wouldn’t be age appropriate for your children.
Seek to maintain your individual identity in addition to that of wife, mom, daughter, friend etc. This shouldn’t jeopardize your friendships or relationships, but rather add value so the relationships benefit tremendously from you taking the time to reflect, discover, learn, grow and better yourself. Plainly put, it’s a WIN-WIN!!! When is your next alone time planned for?! Be intentional about scheduling it to ensure it happens. It’s like dating yourself, have fun with it! I’m rooting for YOU!!!