Stop Hiding In Fear
The freedom and happiness you want is on the other side of fear. It’s very possible you don’t realize it’s fear you’re hiding in and that you’re calling it something else. I know, because that was me!
Here are some self identifying signs that you are hiding in fear...
You are a perfectionist! You tell yourself it’s because you want to get it just right. The reality is you’re scared of getting it wrong! You want at all cost to avoid the rejection, criticism and feeling of failure that you associate with imperfection.
You say yes when you mean no. You tell others you’re a people person, but really you’re a people pleaser. You don’t want to disappoint others and fear judgement and criticism if you say no.
You say no when you mean yes. You say you’re too busy, but the truth is you’re scared to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. You’re afraid of failing, maybe even afraid of succeeding! You’re afraid of risk and rejection.
You settle for less than you deserve and play small. You say you’re being humble, but it’s really that you fear you’re not worthy of more. You’re scared of what other people will think. You convince yourself that you’re happy where you are, because deep down you’re scared to go after the ‘more’ you really want.
You don’t speak up. You say you’re shy or an introvert, but you really fear your voice doesn’t matter. You fear that if you voice your pain or objection it will go unheard and result in you feeling worse. You tell yourself you’re taking the high road by not saying anything, but it’s your fear of confrontation, rejection or abandonment that keeps you quiet and your feelings suppressed.
You are extremely indecisive. You say you’re weighing all your options, when in reality you stall making a decision because you fear it will be the wrong one. You don’t trust yourself and are afraid of “messing up”.
You procrastinate. You say you work best under pressure, but it’s more a fear of the commitment and expectation associated with getting it done. That fear has you put it off till the last possible chance you have before you’re forced to face it and complete the task.
If you recognized yourself in any or all of the above, you’re off to a great start! The first step is acknowledging and identifying the fear, calling it what it actually is.
Some of the emotions that are a result of hiding in fear, such as anxious thoughts, resentment and a false sense of assurance, will take time to process. Your next step will be working through your feelings toward healthier ones such as self acceptance, confidence, worthiness and positivity.
Some practical steps to accomplish this may include life coaching, meditation, journaling, a daily gratitude practice, self reflection and doing it anyway!
It’s time to move beyond your fear(s) to freedom. Allow yourself to explore what courageous confidence feels like and do it afraid! Get to experience freedom from the opinions of others. The freedom to try something new, to trust yourself, use your voice and to lean into the process of growth. Finally, the freedom to create the life you REALLY want!
For more tools and a personal strategy to address and overcome your individual needs, schedule a free coaching consultation with me. I’d love to discuss your path to fully embracing self-love, a healthier mindset and purpose in your life. I’m rooting for you.