Rediscover Yourself
It happens, sometimes you lose sight of who you are. It hits you one day that you’re just going through the motions in life. You’re unfulfilled and you’re not exactly sure what to do about it. You can’t even remember the last time you were truly happy. If any of this sounds familiar to you, it’s about time you rediscovered yourself.
We can change so much over time and if you’re not in the habit of checking in with yourself, it’s easy to look up one day from your normal routine and feel lost. I’ve listed just a few ways (10 to be exact) that you can begin the journey to rediscovering yourself. I’m sure a lot has changed since you last paid attention to your own needs and wants. Embrace and enjoy the self discovery!
10 Simple Ways to Help You Rediscover Yourself
1 – Spend Time Alone With Yourself
Find an area in your house where you can sit comfortably and focus. Make it separate from your relaxation space. Ideally away from a TV screen, phone or other distractions. Reflect on what you’re feeling and where you are emotionally and mentally.
2 – Journal
Writing is therapeutic and helps you to get in touch with your inner feelings. Journaling can help you to organize your thoughts, deal with your feelings, set and achieve goals, improve writing, relieve stress and allow for self reflection.
3 – Refine Your Core Values
We evolve over time, make time to assess what’s most important to you where you are in life now. Align the vision for your life with your core values.
4 – Dream Again
Harness your imagination and picture that you’re already walking in your purpose. See yourself doing what you love and imagine what it feels like. Discover your peace of happy and live life with purpose!!!
5 – Change it Up
You probably have so much of a daily routine, that you can simply go through the motions without really being present. You no longer embrace the moments. Try something new, make adjustments to show up in ways that better serve you.
6 – Reclaim your Time
We can easily get caught up in taking care of everyone but ourselves. Be purposeful about making time for YOU. Time blocking is a useful technique.
7 – Ask for Help
When things get tough, don’t stay ‘stuck’. It’s OK to ask for help. Don’t try to it all alone, consider a life coach to help you to gain the clarity and confidence you need to fulfill the vision you have for your life.
8 – Choose Joy
Find what brings YOU joy! That’s apart from anyone else. What ignites your passion, find that and DO IT!
9 – Cultivate Your Circle
Assess your circle of influence. Make sure you have people in your life that support the person you are becoming. Connect with individuals that are already where you are looking to go. Align your circle with your core values and make sure your circles serve you well.
10 – Clean out your closet!
If you have the means and like shopping, this will be a fun one! We’ve spoken of inward rediscovery up until now. You can rediscover yourself externally as well. Has your style preference changed and you just haven’t prioritized yourself enough to treat yourself to the latest trend you like? Go shopping and dress up your new found confidence! Look like the YOU that knows WHO she is and WHERE she’s going!